About Lone

Lone Kirketerp

I love humanity and humour

My name is Lone Kirketerp

I am a mother of 4 grown up children.

I graduated Law School in 1983, Aarhus University, I graduated at the Academy of Fine art , Aarhus in 2010. I graduated as a Mediator 2016 , Aarhus University.

The best thing I ever did for my self was the Academy of fine art.

Since 2010 I have worked professionally with ceramics. I have a track with sculpturing in black clay, very rough sculptured, looking a lot like iron or bronze and handcraft in the purest porcelain.

I like the edge of every material. Nothing in between…………..

Lately I started painting. Not on  canvas, but painting on pieces of metal. And I just love processing - playing - researching to see what is possible with colours.

Sometimes I am just the midwife, sometimes I am really controlling  the process.

Sensing and aesthetics means a lot to me 

Thank you for passing by my homepage.



Coffee cups
Washed clay
of hands

I am fascinated by how much things can develop through the process...

I love working offbeat and unconventional...

I have no loyalty to known processes or habits... I love humanity and humor